Learn all the basic knowledge of NFTs, but our approach is more practical, in the course, we buy, sell, create NFTs and collections, based on the Solana network and why we do it with Solana and not with Ethereum, because Solana.
Solana is the fastest blockchain in the world and the fastest growing ecosystem in crypto, with thousands of projects spanning DeFi, NFTs, Web3 and more. We also see Ethereum-based NFTs, but we will base the course on Solana Blockchain, we will also have contact and analyze the main Wallets and how they are used. We want to give you creative ideas, because we all have our creative vein, in this case we see how to create with PixelArt tools.
As we want to be in the NFT business safely, we will see in a practical way how to list our NFTs, when and the variety of Marketplaces that there are mainly, but we will focus on the alternatives with the most growth for 2023, more advanced even that the main Open Sea, like Solsea and others like Raribleo Binance , we will learn like Delisted and Burn a NFT and why. We will analyze in a practical way and with a real example, of a Collection created by myself and with good success, the security of our NFT and how to avoid scams, we will see how to minimize gas fee expenses, how to have a Whitelisted Collection. And what is the focus of an NFT collection, and why should it be a project with a purpose and goals?. We will see also real Solana Blockchain contracts.
Along the way, we will see how to generate our safe profits with NFTs, in a practical and real way.