
Copy And Paste My Secret Kindle Marketing System To Skyrocket Your Sales And Boost Your Income! – Free Course

What you’ll learn

  • Market your book better than 90% of publishers and authors out there!
  • Use my kindle marketing secrets to blow out sales and conversions
  • Know the 80/20 of exactly where you should be putting your marketing efforts
  • Learn how to use words to sway peoples emotions and buy your books!
  • Know what makes a cover stand head and shoulders above the competition (and how to do it!)
  • How to pull in more sales, more hungry readers and build your own traffic that works around the clock!


  • Be ready to learn and apply this invaluable kindle marketing knowledge!
  • Either have a book/s on Amazon or you’re looking at publishing books on Amazon
  • A computer, note pad and pen


—Have you been struggling to make sales of your book on Amazon?—

—–Sick of declining sales?—–

—Know that you have a great book but need to know EXACTLY how tomake it rise to the top and rank well on Amazon?—

Well I’m here to lay out all my kindle marketing secrets for YOU onhow to market your book on Amazon and skyrocket your downloads!

I want to show you every little technique and tip that I know to makeyour books rank higher than ever before and explode your book sales.

Do you want to;

  • BOOST your sales and increase conversions?
  • Know how to make book covers that POP and grab your potentialcustomers attention?
  • Get a HUGE number of downloads in a short period of time?
  • Make more sales on your Create Space books?
  • Save money on your kindle marketing costs?
  • Know how to get more reviews on your books?


Over the last nearly 2 years, I have built up my very own publishingempire that has allowed me to quit my job and live a lifestyle thatvery few people get to live. For this, I am very grateful.

Now, I want to show you how to learn the kindle marketing secrets toreally EXPLODE your sales on Amazon.

I want to show you how to make sure your books continue selling wellinto the future and how to keep your book’s income growing.


Here’s some of the NINJA TACTICS I’m going to teach you;

  • Learn the 4 key areas of your books you should NEVER lose focus on
  • Exactly how to do 90% of your kindle marketing within Amazon!
  • How to use simple words to make people SCRAMBLE to buy your books!
  • How to build your own traffic system to build up HYPE for your books
  • Learn EXACTLY what makes a kick-ass book cover (and how to makeyours stand out among the competition!)
  • I’ll let you in on one of the biggest secrets to making your bookssell like hot cakes forever!
  • The perfect strategy to use your 5 day free periods on KDP
  • Learn exactly where to market your book outside of Amazon
  • How to make sure a browsing customer actually buys your book!


Of course you’ll get full, lifetime access, updates for life and beable to communicate directly with me, should you get stuck anywhereor need some guidance! (I’m always here to help.)

And don’t forget Udemy’s full, 30 day money back guarantee and apromise from me that if you use and implement these kindle marketingtechniques and strategies I outline in this course, you will improveyour sales.

If you are sick of declining book sales or you just want to learn howto make your sales skyrocket, then scroll up and enroll in thiscourse now!

=====>Each minute you delay is a sale you aren’t making<=====

You’ll get;

  • Full access to me via email through the Udemy platform (I answerevery question I get!)
  • FULL 30 day money back guarantee, backed by Udemy
  • FREE updates and lifetime access
  • Full PDF and WORD templates for everything I talk about so you canjust COPY and PASTE!
  • Fully explained strategies of how to implement all of these kindlemarketing techniques that I talk about
  • The assurance that everything I teach in this course is cutting edgeand up to date

=====> Take Action and Enroll Now <=====

Enroll and dive straight into the course right now. You haveeverything you need right here in this course to EXPLODE your sales,plus you’ll get my priceless kindle marketing knowledge…

Don’t forget Udemy’s famous 30 day money back guarantee…you’ve gotnothing to lose!

If you want to start making your books sell by the bucket load, thentake this course now, I’ll see you on the inside!


P.S. Don’t forget to check out the preview videos so you know thevalue you’re getting!

Author(s): Adrian Landsberg


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